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Why we believe in 360 degrees immersive visit :

The virtual tour exists today and will be essential in the real estate of tomorrow. It allows to inform your potential buyers as much as possible.

Whether they are properties for rent or for sale, the goal of a virtual visit is to show real estate to your advantage.


As on Google Street View, your customers will be able to visit the property in its entirety from their sofa.

Huge advantage, the virtual visit allows buyers to make their visit independently, which represents a significant time saving.

It allows your audience to make their own opinion on the property for sale or lease while focusing on the details that interest them.

Indeed, during the immersion, the customer can linger on the state of the parquet on the ground, the type of window, the credence of the kitchen ...Finally, if the customer moves in your agency you can follow his visit live and answer his questions.

1/ Stand out from your competitors

Salespeople on average request the help of 3 real estate agents before making their choice.

Whoever values their home the best, will win the mandate. That's why it's important to use virtual and 3D solutions that rivals do not have.

2/ Optimize your prospecting

Prospecting is not easy: organization and perseverance are the key words. It can however be facilitated with a different approach than your competitors. Offering virtual tours can double your prospects compared to classic listings.

3/ Sell at a higher price

In the face of competition, some agents do not hesitate to negotiate the price down to try to sell first.

Who says renegotiation of the sales price, said commission down, but it is neither in the interest of the seller, nor yours.

The virtual tour is the solution against the systematic endorsement bringing a plus to the ad, and convincing potential buyers to buy at a higher price than with a classic ad.


4/ Sell faster

Different factors can slow down the sale of a good: market context, selling price, supply over demand or competition.

Reduce them by adopting a good marketing strategy. Properties sell five times faster with an ad with a virtual tour than an ad that includes only photos. A reduced selling time of 21 days on average. If you're having trouble with one of your properties, why not try adding a virtual tour to

your ad to gain visibility and credibility?


5/ Expand your clientele

Commitment is paramount. This involves interaction and exchange. The customer, from any destination,

must be able to visit a property he wants at any time. You will then target a more global clientele that will

have access to your goods through virtual tours. It will stay longer on your site, which has the undeniable

advantage of getting a good ranking of your site on Google.


6/ Optimize your website

It takes less than 8 minutes for a user to decide on the organization of a visit to a property he saw on the

Internet. It is then much easier for the purchaser to make his choice with a virtual visit than on only photos.

The virtual visit allows a multiplication of clicks by 40 of the users on a site offering virtual tours. Users

spend more time on your site, between 30 seconds and 3 minutes more and are more likely to make a

decision after having enjoyed a virtual visit online.


7/ Be available

The availability of the real estate agent is essential in a real estate landscape that moves continuously. We

must go fast and not miss any opportunity. A customer wants to visit one of your properties? We must be

able to answer him as soon as possible, at the risk of seeing him leave for the competition. Thanks to the

virtual visit, you make yourself available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The user is guided virtually to the

property he wants and at any time.


8/ Save time, save money

How many visits finally turned out to be failures and therefore a waste of time? And money? 

Most-likely a big expense when you reach a dozen visits in a vacuum. The virtual tour offers you the opportunity to purify the simple curious to keep only serious buyers. With this virtual procedure, they can discover a property in full transparency, in the smallest detail, without even having to move. You will then have qualitative visits and having more chance of ending up with a sale or rental.

The digitization of real estate is already underway and continues to grow. The real estate agent of

tomorrow must be connected and adopt the tools that will allow it to stand out from the competition. Go

beyond classic photos and give buyers or tenants an immersive experience and sellers the best possible

visibility of their property.

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